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Brandon Thielk

Performance + Life Coach

  • Are you ready to unleash your full potential and elevate your performance to new heights? I specialize in empowering professional athletes and business professionals to overcome mental barriers, enhance their mindset, and achieve peak performance in their respective fields. With my tailored coaching services, I provide the guidance and support you need to unlock your true capabilities.

    My Areas of Expertise:

    1. Mindset Mastery: Gain control over your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs to develop a winning mindset. I help you cultivate mental resilience, focus, and confidence, enabling you to perform at your best consistently.

    2. Emotional Balance: Harness the power of emotional intelligence to optimize your performance. Learn how to manage stress, overcome setbacks, and maintain a healthy balance between the demands of your personal and professional life.

    3. Relationship Dynamics: Understand the impact of interpersonal relationships on your performance. We delve into the dynamics of your relationships, helping you navigate challenging situations and establish healthy boundaries for sustained success.

    Our Coaching Services:

    1. One-on-One Coaching: Experience personalized guidance and support through our one-on-one coaching sessions. I work closely with you to understand your unique goals, challenges, and aspirations, providing tailored strategies to help you overcome obstacles and achieve remarkable results.

    2. Group Coaching: Join my group coaching program and become part of a community of like-minded individuals striving for excellence. Benefit from shared insights, accountability, and collective growth as you navigate your personal and professional journey.

    3. Workshops and Training: Enhance your skills and knowledge through our workshops and training sessions. I offer immersive experiences that dive deep into specific topics, providing you with practical tools and techniques to implement in your everyday life.

    Take the first step towards unlocking your full potential and reaching new levels of success. Together, we will embark on a transformative journey that empowers you to become the best version of yourself.

    Are you ready to evolve into an unstoppable force? Contact me today to learn more about my coaching services and schedule a consultation. Let's redefine your limits and achieve extraordinary results together!

    Brandon Thielk

  • FREE

    Discovery Session

    1:1 Session — 30 minutes


  • 3-month Transformation

    12 Sessions x 1 hour


  • 6-month Mastery Program

    18 Sessions x 1 hour


  • Evolved Athlete

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  • Testimonials

    Lara Gruden

    -Professional Triathlete & New Mother

    "Coaching with Brandon has been truly transformative in my life. It's not just about achieving specific goals; it's about shifting my mindset and how I approach life's challenges. Before this work, I used to see myself as a victim when things didn't go my way. Now, I have a whole toolbox of techniques and a fresh perspective. I no longer dwell on "why is this happening to me?" but rather "what can I learn from this situation?"

    During our journey, I have experienced monumental changes. Pregnancy and motherhood brought about significant shifts in my life. With Brandon’s guidance, I smoothly navigated through this transformative phase. We addressed any issues that arose during pregnancy, and I felt well-prepared for childbirth. Now, as a new parent, I'm applying the valuable insights I gained from our sessions to be the best I can be for my child. The emotional intensity of this life change has been made so much more manageable and enriching thanks to the powerful guidance I've received.

    I feel like every session is filled with 'aha' moments for me. It's as if I'm constantly learning something new. Whether it's new tools, fresh mindsets, or innovative approaches, each session equips me with valuable tools to navigate life effectively.

    Our communication and rapport have been exceptional throughout our coaching relationship. I have complete trust and confidence in the guidance provided by Evolved Athlete. Trust is paramount in this work, and I never doubt the wisdom and advice I receive. The work we've done together has completely transformed my life, if I’m ever lost, I feel like Brandon always gets me headed back in the right direction.

    One of the most valuable aspects of Brandon’s coaching style is his honesty. He never sugarcoat things or allows me to fall into a victim mentality. Instead, he calls out any nonsense and holds me accountable for my actions. While some might find this approach challenging, I believe it's the only way to bring about real change in life. By not playing the victim, we address problems head-on and create lasting solutions.

    In summary, coaching with Brandon has shifted my perspective, helped me navigate significant life changes, and equipped me with invaluable tools and mindsets. I deeply appreciate the honesty, accountability, and transformative guidance provided. If you're seeking lasting change and personal growth, I highly recommend working with Brandon. It's been a game-changer for me."

    Danielle Lewis

    -Professional Triathlete

    "We all have more. More to give to ourselves. More to give to family, friends and the world around us. But unlocking the more within takes effort. It CAN be done alone. But it is MUCH quicker and more effective with a guide to help navigate and sift through old or unresolved pains, limiting beliefs, and stagnant parts of self. Brandon’s work is patient, yet pushes. Gentle, yet firm when needed. He listens intuitively and provides insight and connections that create life-changing moments and release. Brandon creates a safe, non-judgmental space to work and grow. And, in that work, he teaches you to be patient, gentle, introspective and non-judgmental with yourself so you can continue the work to be your best self. 
    I started working with Brandon towards the end of 2022. The following year, I experienced the best results of my triathlon career. While many factors affected my results, the work I did with Brandon provided a release that freed my body to perform to its potential. It is easy to say that working with Brandon was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made."

  • Dani Treise

    -Professional Triathlete

    "Working with Brandon at Evolved Athlete has been such an important and welcomed addition to my life.

    Through our work together, I've not only become a better athlete but a better version of myself. I’m more grounded, confident, and I'm racing better than ever with a newfound sense of purpose and less fear. Brandon's clear strategies have helped me develop a mindset of growth and gratitude while racing and after years of struggling with injuries, I’ve finally been able to learn to trust my body and appreciate its strength and potential. And as a result, experienced fewer injuries!

    What sets Brandon apart is not just his expertise but also his personality. He's not only fun to work with but also incredibly easy to talk to, no matter what the topic. Our sessions are something I genuinely look forward to. He cares about my journey and offers advice without pushing too hard, making the whole process a positive and empowering experience.

    If you're looking to unlock your full potential, both physically and mentally, I wholeheartedly recommend Brandon and Evolved Athlete. He has certainly made a lasting impact on my life and my athletic performance."

    Georganne Moline

    -Olympic Hurdler

    "I have discovered this new found confidence and sense of peace within myself I’ve never felt and in turn, have been presented with so many new and exciting opportunities. I am no longer fearful of closing doors because I know that new ones will open—It’s like I’m looking at the world in a totally different lens. I started working with Brandon because I wanted to win an Olympic gold but little did I know, he would change my life in a bigger and more beautiful way. I am no longer navigating life in constant fight or flight mode with an ego that dictates every moment— I am finally living."

    Amy Hernandez


    "I have been working with Brandon for a few years now. Professionally he has helped me focus on being mentally fit to better execute my tasks at work. He helps me regulate my emotions and find out why I am feeling a certain way, along with identifying triggers for those emotions and behaviors. He also helps with the mind-body connection; I am now more aware of how my thought processes impact how I feel so that I can make the necessary adjustments to restore balance. I highly recommend working with Brandon if you want to overall improve your life both professionally and personally."